9 Easter Eggs Hidden In TV Shows That Went Over Your Head

8. Drew Carey Is Obsessed With The Cleveland Browns


Much likeSeinfeld features a reference to Superman in every episode (at a bare minimum we usually seethe Superman statute in Jerry's apartment), another comedian-turned-sitcom star crammed in allusions to his nerd-dom whenever he could.

Drew Carey is Cleveland born and damn proud of it. After all, he set his sitcom, The Drew Carey Show, in the city. He's also a huge fan of the Cleveland Browns football team and would like the world to see that. As often as possible.

That's why in each and every episode of The Drew Carey Show there isat leastone piece of Browns memorabilia visible in the background . Sometimes it's as simple as a sticker or a team flag, or one of the cast members wears a jersey underneath their jacket with the team logo barely protruding. Or sometimes Drew says to hell with subtlety and sets the entire episode at a Cleveland Browns game. Because nuance is for suckers.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.