10 Plot Holes That Kind Of Ruin Breaking Bad

2. How Did Walt Know Where He'd Park His Car? - "Felina" (5.12)

At the end of "Felina," the very last episode of Breaking Bad, Walt hatches an ingenious plan to get inside Uncle Jack's secret compound in order to take him and his Nazi buddies out, whilst also rescuing Jesse in the process: he builds a makeshift machine gun turret in the trunk of his car, which is activated via the car alarm button on Walt's car keys. When activated, the machine gun fires whilst rapidly, left and right. Very smart. In order for this plan to work, though, Walt needs his car to be parked in exactly the right spot - parallel to the clubhouse where Jack and his goons hang out. Somehow Walt manages to position the car in precisely the right place when he arrives; no obstacles get in his way in the process. But how did Walt know he'd be able to do such a thing? What if one of the Nazis had insisted on driving the car up to the clubhouse from the compound gate? Or if Walt had been told to park in a different place, away from where he hoped to park his car? He had no backup plan; the whole thing, though expertly undertaken in the context of the show, is actually incredibly sketchy as far as plans go. It was far from full-proof, and extremely prone to error. As a result, it seems incredibly unlikely that Walter White would have decided on the automated machine gun idea, given its proximity for failure.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.