Doctor Who: 10 Fan Ideas The Show Should Totally Adopt

10. The "Pull To Open" Sign On The TARDIS Is Getting Bigger

One of the finest moments of Neil Gaiman's 'The Doctor's Wife' was the dialogue between Idris and the Doctor; after fifty years, we finally caught a glimpse of what this bizarre, beautiful relationship is like, through of all things, an argument. All married couples argue, but this was this so wonderfully observed by Gaiman; the TARDIS was unhappy about her doors being opened the wrong way, and the Doctor just couldn't admit he was wrong. So what if the "Pull to Open" sign is getting bigger with every new version of the TARDIS doors, simply to try and get through to him? She's italicised it at one point, and still he won't listen. It's another lovely observation that a writer could pick up on, and it really would expand further on this unique relationship.

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.