Doctor Who: 10 Most Game-Changing Moments In Day Of The Doctor Trailer

7. UNIT's Involvement

Mmmmmkl We finally know that Tom-Baker-scarf-lady is indeed a member of UNIT, and is working closely with the Brigadeer's daughter. Does anyone else love that Moffat's UNIT is slowly morphing into a woman-led organization? UNIT was also behind showing the Doctor the painting. That implies that, whatever the big event of the episode is, it's a direct threat to earth. The time war had absolutely nothing to do with us, though, and it wasn't until decades after UNIT's demise that the Daleks came here and tried to continue a battle of the time war. So could the time war be leaking? We know that time can leak like a faucet--and the time war is the biggest locked-away thing in the history of the universe. So, is someone targeting Earth to hurt the Doctor? Or is Earth just being sucked into the wider universe scheme of whatever's happening?

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at