Doctor Who: 10 "Loose End" Characters We Want Tied Up

10. Susan Foreman

Why? Because one day, he said he'd come back. Why not? It IS a can of continuity worms...... If you DON'T know who Susan Foreman is....well, HI! It's awesome you've started watching "Doctor Who", you're in for one heck of a ride! Susan Foreman is, no bones about it, the Doctor's granddaughter. And really, there is a LOT that could be filled in even on that front. As recently as "Rings of Akhaten", Smith even called out having been there before "...with his granddaughter". So clearly, this wasn't an appellation of affection. HOW was she related? Was she a full-blooded Time Lord? (If so, this makes recasting a possibility) Was she adopted? Are her parents full Time Lords? I mean, out with it - Can we even discuss the Doctor's (almost never directly addressed/identified) children? For those who don't know, Susan was left behind by the Doctor after thwarting the Dalek invasion of earth (as seen in, um, "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"). He seemed to sense that Susan was more interested in earth culture and twigged that she most certainly had fallen in love with a resistance fighter, David. Perhaps knowing his life would always be chaotic, he gave probably the MOST iconic speech in all the 1st Doctor's time (It kicks off "The Five Doctors" if you're one of those who breaks into hives at the thought of black and white stories) and then left her in 2164 to her love and her life.
But he promised to come back. But as far as we know, he never did. Susan is, unlike many other classic era characters, rife with possibility. Her original actress, Carol Ann Ford, is still alive (and would probably enjoy the work). But as a Time Lord (we think? It's never been comfirmed she's full-blooded....) she could be recast. She could be dead due to the Time War. (Eccleston's Doctor actually alluded to that) She could survive through any number of contrivances, or she could have half-human offspring. Really, there's some fascinating blanks about her AND the Doctor that could be filled in.... ....or that could hinder the story rising above fanwank. Yes, it'd be very easy to reintroduce her, especially seeing as she's been all but namechecked recently and alluded to in the New Series as early as Series 1. It'd be easy to regenerate and relaunch her character (and certainly be a welcome change to have her "off the menu" in terms of Doctor attraction!). But is it really a worthwhile dredging of old continuity? It could go either way. And really, for all we know, she's travelling with the Doctor right now..... Who's this Clara again? Overall Likelihood We See Her Again: 3/10
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In a parallel universe where game shows' final jackpots and consequent fortunes depend on knowledge of obscure music trivia and Jon Pertwee/Tom Baker Doctor Who episodes, I've probably gone rich, insane, and am now a powermad despot. But happily we're not there, so I'm actually rather pleasant. Really.