Doctor Who: 10 Theories For John Hurt's Doctor

4. Crossover! He is Warrant Officer Kane from "Alien"

john hurt alien In the ultimate bit of nerdy crossovers, Doctor Hurt went undercover by the name of Kane and tried to bring peace and sanity to the galaxy by capturing and studying a xenomorph creature so that he could control it and turn it on the Daleks so he completely destroy them once and for all. Unfortunately, Doctor Hurt was impregnated by a facehugger and met this regenerations demise during the grisly birth of a chestbuster. Likelihood? None at all. But it is kind of fun to think it could be possible. If you don't understand what I am talking about, go watch the movie Alien. The original. You will like it. It has Bilbo in it.

Doug Lattery (aka Wugmanmax) is a dork that likes movies, comics, toys, music, and Doctor Who. He resides in the United States with his family where he works in production at an Ad Agency by day putting out figurative fires and then he goes and puts out literal fires at night working as a firefighter. He also has a funky website and podcast at: