Jessica Jones Season 2: 10 Things That Must Happen

9. Up, Up And Away

Trish Walker Hellcat

Marvel's Netflix series has taken a lot of liberties when adapting the comic book Jessica Jones to the screen. Thanks to her relative obscurity, they were able to remodel her completely, removing her overt superhero-y elements and bringing out her cynical nature and anti-hero edge.

While this was absolutely the right move for Season 1, it'd be great to see some of these elements slowly put back into the character from now on. OK, so there's no hurry for Jessica to put on a costume and call herself Jewel - this was cleverly referenced in the first season anyway. It would, however, be nice to see the character explore the full reach of her powers.

In particular, Jessica can fly in the comics, which the TV version has only teased by showing her "leaping tall buildings in a single bound." Obviously Jessica Jones shouldn't become Supergirl, but it could still be in keeping with the tone of the show if the character really pushed herself at one point in the new run and managed to take to the skies. It could be a brilliantly empowering moment.


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