Joss Whedon's 5 Most Neglected Deaths

5. Jenny Calendar - Buffy The Vampire Slayer

When something becomes as traditional as Whedon characters dying, it's often easy to forget where things all started. Appearing as a guest in Buffy's first season, but promoted to recurring character in the second, it wasn't long before Janna of the kalderash was welcomed into the Scooby gang. Known to them by the name Jenny Calendar, she was in fact a member of the Romani clan who had punished Angelus by returning his soul; forcing him to live with the guilt of his vampiric barbarism. Finding her niche within the Scoobies thanks to her skills as a techno-pagan, she became an early mentor to Williow, and with Giles also formed one of the show's first relationships. Despite overcoming their differing views on computers and American Football, it wasn't a coupling without its ups and downs, particularly when her true origins were discovered and she was excluded from the group. A make up of sorts wasn't far away however, with each of them declaring their feelings for each other, only to be denied by Jenny's fateful encounter with a once more soulless Angelus. To make matter worse, he even leaves her body at Giles' apartment, in a romantic setting no less, and the spell that would once more restore Angel's soul wouldn't be found until the season's two part finale. Regardless of Joss Whedon's other series, there were enough subsequent deaths in Buffy The Vampire Slayer alone, which does tend to leave Jenny's at the bottom of the pile. And in order to get a better idea of how far back Buffy's season two actually was, just remember that all of Jenny's work on the spell was saved on that most high-tech of formats, the 3.5" floppy disk!

One man fate has made indescribable