Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Examining Season 5 and Beyond!

If you€™ve made it to the end of this article then I applaud you. I know its been quite long winded and resembles more of an essay than an article, but it just goes to show how dedicated you are to the franchise and your love and passion for The Clone Wars. I hope I have done the season justice in these reviews. So to conclude the article/essay, I wanted to note a few things that I am anticipating for the upcoming bonus content. Firstly, Darth Maul. When we left him he was being tortured by a rather malevolent Sidious who stated that he has other plans for his fallen apprentice. So the question is, what plans are in store for Maul? Will he become an assassin of the Sith Lord? Will there be some plot to dispose of Dooku, or perhaps entice Anakin further to the dark side? These questions unfortunately can€™t be answered, but whatever happens, I hope that we see Maul and Obi-wan clash one final time. It would be a shame to end of The Clone Wars without it and whether or not Maul falls, it would be spectacular. I€™m also still banking on Maul wielding Savage€™s double blade. Secondly, is the presence of Mother Talsin. She has been an interesting character right from the start and her presence within the series has never been forgotten, even if she has not appeared herself this season. When Maul is wounded and Savage lies dying, the same green hazy mist that resembles the witch€™s magic reminds us that Talsin is still out there and she has been playing both sides of the table throughout. She helps Ventress acquire her assassin then when it fails, tells her that she €œhas her own path to follow,€ while at the same time guides Savage to his brother and heals Maul€™s mind from insanity. The motivations of the Nightsister are unexplained and unconfirmed and I would be very much interested in seeing what her long-term plans for the galaxy have been all this time. It would be nice to see the bounty hunters again, mainly Cad Bane and Boba Fett. It was announced back after Deception in Season 4 that Bane and Fett would be working together in the future, means its not far-fetched to expect them in this bonus content. But similarly with the resurrection of Slave I and a teaser image of an animated Boba Fett in his classic armour, it would be a great way to end by filling in the gaps of these bounty hunters and their stories. 10669a And finally, noting the video that was released as a sneak peak for what to expect, the premature execution of Order 66. The individual clone characters have been absent from this season but it is clear that Fives and Tup are still around and kicking, even if Tup decides to execute a Jedi point blank. It€™s an interesting concept which sounds like a good place to explore, whether the rest of the clones are aware of these orders or whether they are effectively sleeper agents until the order is activated. I was also quite surprised to see that Trench is still alive. We haven€™t seen him since Season 2 and he supposed went down with his ship for a second time. It appears you can€™t kill this guy. Speaking of the clones, there is still one loose end that must be tied up by the end of The Clone Wars and that is the fate of Rex. As much as it pains me to admit it, Rex is another character that doesn€™t appear in Episode III and unlike Ahsoka, I doubt his fate will be a walk into the sunset. Being a Captain, he should have stuck with Anakin to the end, which means that his absence from Revenge of the Sith can only be explained in one eventuality, which is going to be as painful as Ahsoka€™s leave. And now we€™ve reached the end. I hope you€™ve enjoyed reading this article as much as I€™ve enjoyed writing it. The Clone Wars may end eventually, but its stories and characters will stay with Star Wars lovers forever. What are you looking forward to in these next arcs? Leave a comment below and share your expectations.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down