Supernatural 9.3, "I'm No Angel" Recap And Review

SupernaturalPreviously on Supernatural: Metatron tricks Castiel and steals his Grace; the angels fall; Castiel is human; the angels want Castiel dead; Reapers begin to go rogue; Ezekiel answers Dean's call for help and possesses Sam in order to heal him; Sam can eject Ezekiel at any time; Dean agrees to keep the possession a secret to save Sam's life. Now! Touched By An Angel

rating: 3

A pair of priests walks outside of their church, the elder dictating an agenda to the younger. As they are priests of the non-evil variety, this agenda merely involves mass and dinner for the Monsignor. Considering that this is taking place in Iowa, kudos to them for booking a Monsignor! They are stopped, however, by a man and woman who appear out of nowhere. With their Naomi-like garb, I'm going to go ahead and assume that they are angels. The woman asks the priests if they know the location of a man called "Castiel." She's awfully sinister about the whole thing. Couldn't they just reveal themselves to be angels? These men are priests. They also don't seem to know anything about Castiel, but the angels torture and kill them anyway. Elsewhere, a pharmacist is not paying nearly enough attention to his job as he watches a video podcast of Buddy Boyle, a rent-a-reverend who seems to be very popular. "If the angels come a-knockin,'" says Boyle, "you just let 'em on in and fill yourself up with their Grace." How strangely specific... Spn 9 3 Angels Pic ...and behind the scenes of "Going for Glory," we see that an angel called Bartholomew is using Boyle to recruit vessels for his fellow angels. You know, as nefarious as it is, I have to give the angels some credit: This is a pretty good plan. Right on cue, a young woman appears and offers herself up as a "vessel for the divine." Bartholomew secures a very clear "yes" and summons one of his angel pals to possess the woman. Unfortunately, she was not destined for angel possession, and her body literally explodes, with chunks of flesh flying everywhere and blood spraying the room. Boyle is appalled, but he does seem to genuinely believe in Bartholomew's stated good intentions. Later, the angels have managed to use their angel powers to track Castiel down, and one of them attacks him as he tries to sleep. The angel fails, but he is fortunately spared the humiliation of telling his friends that he got beat up by a human when Castiel just goes ahead and kills him. Back at angel headquarters, Bartholomew is pleased to hear that Boyle's influence is securing unprecedented numbers of willing vessels. He is less pleased with all of the not-killing-Castiel that is going on. He then learns that Castiel has somehow slipped off of their angel radar, and they lost him. How embarrassing! Bartholomew takes matters into his own hands and recruits a rogue Reaper to find Castiel. (Sidenote: How are rogue Reapers actually paid for their services?) The Reaper agrees to take the job, and Bartholomew tells him to just follow the Winchesters to find Castiel. I don't know why an angel couldn't have done that. Either way, the Reaper goes off to hunt Cas, and Bartholomew waits. Elsewhere...

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .