The Handmaid's Tale Season 2: 7 Ups And 1 Down From Smart Power


7. Serena And Fred's Relationship

The Handmaid's Tale

While nothing is perfect for the characters in this show, Fred and Serena's relationship was pretty damn close before the world went to sh*t. The flashbacks have shown the pair as genuine lovers, hopeful for a better tomorrow. The present-day versions of Fred and Serena, however, tell a very different story - especially after the events of last week's episode.

There's a wonderful scene in Smart Power that sees the Commander visit Serena in her greenhouse. The short conversation between the two characters is riddled with subtext. In fact, it's what's not said that is the most powerful.

"The gray mold is back," Serena says. You get the impression that she's talking about more than just her plants here. It's their relationship that is truly rotten.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.