The Walking Dead: 8 Plot Twists Nobody Will See Coming In Season 8

7. Jadis Becomes The Whisperers' Leader

The Walking Dead Twists
Gene Page/AMC

The walker flesh-wearing Whisperers don't surface in the Walking Dead comic books until a good while after Rick's conflict with Negan has played out, so to see them show up in season 8 would be a genuine surprise.

That said, many fans believe their future leader has already appeared in the form of the backstabbing junkyard dweller Jadis.

Could her character arc eventually see her become Alpha, the head Whisperer? Much of the evidence supporting such claims comes from her ruthlessness, willingness to spill blood, leadership qualities and the fact both characters are obviously female.

Although this fan theory has many subscribers, few are expecting it to play out in season 8, instead assuming the Whisperers won't be entering the fray for at least another season - but given the pacing criticism the show has received, both Rick versus Negan and Jadis's transformation could be fast-tracked.

Actress Pollyanna McIntosh has been dismissive of the theory in recent interviews, without denying it outright, and while some are expecting to see it happen the timing of it would be a curveball.

The Whisperers only enter the fray in the comics after a time jump catapults the action several years into the future. It's already been confirmed there will be a time jump of sorts in season 8 (old man Rick), so this isn't completely off the table.


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