Weird City Trailer Reaction: 4 Ups & 1 Down


4. Impressive Visuals

Weird City

There is a common belief that, when it comes to science-fiction stories, the big screen is always the better option. Why? Well, because it's bigger, grander and almost always produces more convincing special effects. Thankfully, with larger-scale stories now being told on a multitude of small screen platforms, from cable to streaming services, that belief is quickly becoming a thing of the past - and Weird City is further proof of that.

The trailer opens with a bird's-eye view shot of Weird City itself and, quite frankly, it's the grandest shot of the entire trailer. With futuristic gleaming skyscrapers on one side and a beaten-down landscape on the other, the show appears to use its CGI incredibly well to highlight the divide between society.

While Below The Line has a more grounded, realistic feel, Above The Line looks every bit the ridiculously majestic city that its portrayed to be. The stereotypical blue featured in every building not only highlights the wealthy's apparent reliance on technology, it adds that vibrant and eccentric appearance to the city, mirroring the characters who reside there - a complete contrast to the colourless, underappreciated appearance of Below The Line.

Though we don't see many wide shots like this in the trailer, it does suggest that Weird City will be quite a spectacle and, quite frankly, we wouldn't expect anything less from a show this ambitious.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.