10 Fascinating WWE SummerSlam 2001 Facts

9. Jim Ross Not-So-Subtly Criticized The Show In The Ross Report

Steve Austin Kurt Angle SummerSlam 2001 Ankle Lock

In the days before social media outlets allowed for any wrestling tidbit to make the rounds in record time, you either had to keep up with the Wrestling Observer, or you could read between the lines of Jim Ross' weekly Ross Report. Although WWE's lead announcer of the time (and then-head of talent relations) usually employed diplomacy when writing about divisive topics, he wasn't afraid to offer criticism against the wares of his own employer.

Ross usually would find the silver lining in whatever he discussed, but he also rated SummerSlam as a "6.5 or a 7 out of 10", and noted, “There were some things that we would have liked to change in hindsight.” He didn't delve into specifics as to what the top officials disliked, but it was clear that internally, there were felt to be issues with how SummerSlam came off.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.