10 Most Intelligence Insulting WWE Moments Ever

"If Kane loses, he will set himself on fire!"

WWE.comWWE.comAs wrestling fans, we€™re sometimes asked to endure quite a bit, which we usually do willingly, accepting that it comes with the territory. Suspension of disbelief is a prerequisite for immersing yourself in the world of scripted conflict, the ability to forget that what you€™re watching isn€™t real and get lost in the action and drama. Wrestling is usually at its best when it doesn€™t stray too far from the simple formula that has made it successful for all these years: two or more men have a dispute-either personal or professional, and settle in the ring in a violent athletic competition. Of course you need to dress it up with details, keeping the conflicts as unique and compelling as possible while still adhering to the basic outline. But far too often, those in charge of the creative direction go overboard in building a story, crafting some utter nonsense that is just far too hard to swallow. When you turn out as much original content as wrestling companies do, there€™s always going to be a fair share of misfires, and no one expects every angle to be a success. But what we do expect is to not feel like we€™re getting repeatedly punched in the brain by the absurdity that we€™re watching. We€™re not talking about the segments and matches that just quietly fizzled away. No, this list is about the matches and moments that were so insulting that we considered never watching again. Surely they can€™t think we€™re this stupid, can they? Here€™s the 10 most Intelligence Insulting Moments In Wrestling History

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.