10 Things You Didn't Know About Vince Russo


Tnaringlogo Many people don€™t know this, but I actually came up with €œTNA€, and it was supposed to mean EXACTLY what you think it was supposed to mean (Tits and Ass!). €œTOTAL NON-STOP ACTION€, was just designed to be the €œEXPLANATION€ if anybody ever asked. Originally €œTNA€ was to be adult-orientated, with adult storylines, harsh language and nudity. That€™s why it was originally pitched as a pay-per-view show, rather than a network one. Unfortunately, over the years, TNA became just €œanother€ wrestling show. When I originally came up with it, it was entitled, €œBitch Slap€, and it was going to be the GLOW of the 2000€™s! I pitched it as a weekly pay per view to Direct TV alongside Jeremy Borash, long before TNA was first pitched. Direct TV loved it, but we didn€™t have the 'know about' to get the funding. I actually met with GLOW€™s David McLane prior to the pitch. The concept was based around R-Rated female characters with such names as €œBirdy Hole-4-One€ (Professional Golfer), €œBeastie Ally€ (do I really need to explain?), and Tag Team Champions €œMoose Knuckle and Camel Toe (again, no explanation necessary).

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on pyroandballyhoo.com, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for WhatCulture.com.