10 Wrestlers Who Lived In The Shadow Of More Famous Relatives

8. Bo Dallas

Eddie Guerrero Chavo Guerrero

Related to: Bray Wyatt

Three years apart in age and entering WWE's developmental program just one year after another, it's quite astonishing to look at the two wildly different tracks Taylor and Windham Rotunda's careers have taken.

Windham, better known as Cape Fear-inspired cult leader Bray Wyatt, may not be a permanent fixture of the main event, but he's had a number of high-profile feuds over the years. His recent WWE Championship reign and ongoing feud with Randy Orton seems like it could be headed toward a babyface turn as well, which might help him secure his spot as a top guy once and for all.

Bo, on the other hand, has struggled as a mid-carder since day one. He simply didn't make the transition from NXT to the main card as smoothly as his brother, mostly because his gimmick - a cheesy motivational speaker who called on audiences to "Bo-lieve" - didn't make as immediate of an imprint. Though his character has been tweaked over the last few months, questionable booking seems to have slotted him firmly into a mid-level roster spot for now.

Honestly, the best thing for Bo might be to join The Wyatt Family and really cozy up to his brother's shadow.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.