10 Wrestling Careers Damaged By WWE Backstage Politics

6. Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn's a somewhat average talent, dependable and reliable, but ultimately not spectacular in the ring or on the mic. Nevertheless, his career went from mediocre to great, back to mediocre. The highlight of his career was undoubtedly his team as part of the New Age Outlaws and D-Generation X. Upon his release in 2005, Billy claimed that Triple H runs the show and was the reason he was relegated to stupid gimmicks, mid-card feuds and tag-teams, instead of progressing further up the ladder that he arguably deserved. The strange thing is as much as Triple H is known for burying talent, he's usually not afraid to help his friends and those he's worked with in the past, yet Billy Gunn adamantly states that was not the case from his perspective. As the two were both a part of D-Generation X, you'd think Triple H would be in support of Billy Gunn's potential rise to the top. However, you could take this with a pinch of salt and imply that Billy Gunn doesn't have what it takes to be a top-tier talent, hence why Triple H might have held him back. He's always been a distinctly average talent. Did he deserve more than he got? Debatable.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.