WWE: 9 Opportunities Seth Rollins Heel Turn Opens Up

9. A Money in The Bank Win

Later this month the new Mr. Money in the Bank will be crowned. While Cesaro has been gaining steam as a possible winner, Seth Rollins has leapt over him immediately as the favorite. His ability in the ring was never the problem; he just was in the shadow of two other charismatic performers. With The Shield€™s face turn, Rollins had been gaining good momentum, but no matter how many times he jumped off ledges in arenas, nothing would have got the world talking like his heel turn did. As previously stated, his intentions haven€™t been defined but it€™s pretty easy to connect the dots when looking at the make-up of The Shield. Each man wants to be the king, and leader of this industry. By aligning himself with HHH prior to Money In The Bank, this reeks of a power move like Orton€™s pre-planned tactics from last year. Rollins will no doubt look awesome in a Ladder Match, it shouldn€™t shock anyone if he brings down the briefcase.

Rich Latta II is a lifelong wrestling fan. He also writes for PWMania.com & SocialSuplex.Com....find all his links at RichLattaWrestling.com Reddit name RichLatta32 He thinks of wrestling as the 3rd Major Sport, Follow him on twitter @RichLatta32 He Runs a Podcast called @OneNationRadio (follow that too) with his buddy James Boyd, that covers WWE, Music, Sports, and Pop Culture. http://onenationradio.podbean.com/ Or Type One Nation Radio into the Podbean App Comment the articles & Tweet Him Now!! Rich also is an aspiring hip hop artist and proud member of the #WrassleRap Community & Music Producer