10 Best Batman Beyond Episodes

9. Meltdown

Batman Beyond Spellbinder
Warner Bros.

In this early episode, Batman gets his first real glimpse of Blight’s true power, and Mr. Freeze makes his return. Blight crops up here a few times, and in any case Freeze has the more compelling arc, so he’s the one to focus on.

As well as bringing such an iconic villain into the fold, it gives viewers an early glimpse at the differences between Terry and Bruce. Fresh faced and a little naive, Terry takes Freeze at his word when he begins to show contrition for his previous actions. Bruce, more world weary and wise, can’t fully trust a man with Freeze’s past.

The truth is somewhere in between, with Victor starting his redemption before being double crossed by Derek Powers and taking revenge. What this episode really nails is that Freeze is a much nobler villain than most, and even with his deadly rampage, still finds a shred of humanity to sacrifice himself and save Batman.

In addition to the self contained Freeze arc, it set up Blight for some great stories down the road which make the cut later on.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)