10 Marvel Characters Who Deserve Their Own Disney+ Series

8. Thunderbolt Ross

Red Hulk General Ross
Universal Pictures

We know that She Hulk is on the horizon, so it might just be that Thunderbolt Ross features in that Disney+ show rather than getting his own. Considering the MCU has largely ignored any and all plot points from the pre-Mark Ruffalo, the fact they’ve kept William Hurt’s Thunderbolt Ross around suggests they have big plans for him.

Lots of fans have everything crossed that the ‘big plans’ include Red Hulk.

The original Hulk is clearly on a Professor Hulk path now, while She Hulk retains her intellectual capacity despite hulking out. With the Thing still a way off, Red Hulk is our best bet for wanton carnage and destruction any time soon.

In the original storyline, A.I.M. gives Thunderbolt the ability to transform into a Hulk of equal power to Banner’s, except he’s red instead of green (hence Red Hulk). One major difference is that Red Hulk gets hotter when angrier, not stronger. Still though, it’s the same basic concept.

Of course, the original justification for this is to be able to fight Hulk, which doesn’t feel particularly necessary the way things stand now. A rewrite seems simple enough, given Ross’ original desire to weaponise Hulk, so surely Marvel could figure it out.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)