10 More Best Things The MCU Did Differently To The Comics

9. Captain Marvel's Powers

Avengers Infinity War Vision death
Marvel Studios

While Captain Marvel herself is arguably one of the most interesting characters to have been brought into the MCU, the most impressive part of her adaptation into the film universe has to be the way in which Marvel’s powers have been carefully measured out.

Marvel could have easily been made way too overpowered, as many fans expressed concern that she would be used as a convenient excuse to turn the tables on Thanos, solely through the pretty intense set of powers she gains in both her feature film and within the comics.

Where the comics spend a good deal of time arguably powering Captain Marvel up – her extra powers during her time under the alias ‘Binary’ being a prime example – the film universe takes good care that Marvel is underpowered enough that enemies pose a reasonable threat while still allowing her to be the absolute badass we all know and love her for.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.