5 Ways To Make Wolverine Great Again

1. Make His School For Gifted Youngsters Fail


The Jean Grey School for Higher Learning was created with noble intentions but from the moment I heard the title of the comic book would be €˜Wolverine and the X-Men€™ it boiled my blood. Since the first Bryan Singer X-Men movie there€™s been a real divide between Wolverine and the X-Men. Like he€™s bigger than the team that made him so great. It€™s not like the other titles were ever called €˜Cyclops and the X-Men€™ or €˜Captain America and The Avengers€™. This didn't sit right with me at all. It's not all bad I guess as part of me loves that Logan has come so far character wise, that he logically fits as the headmaster of a school of mutants. He€™s been through hell and back and the character feels established enough for this challenge of helping the next wave of mutants with their gifts but that doesn't mean I wouldn't prefer to see the most savage Wolverine I know and love over the suited and respectable runner of a school. So for stage one in the rebirth of Wolverine something bad has to happen to that school right? I'm talking deaths. Something Wolverine could not stop or potentially had a hand in making happen. Maybe he even goes the whole hog and kills Scott Summers in front of the X-Men or the young Jean Grey who has turned up in All New X-Men. We need a massively dark event to happen with the school. Something that would make the survivors turn their back on Wolverine (and maybe even turn to the newly introduced young Jean Grey to run the school instead). Wolverine needs to feel like he€™s failed. He needs to have something inside that he feels he needs to make up for somehow or that he€™s let Jean Grey down despite all his best intentions. In turn that will lead us to stage 2 of the plan.
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