MCU Phase 4: 10 Epic Thor Moments Marvel Must Adapt

8. Thor Fights Hulk

Thor Celestial
Marvel Comics

The jolly green giant has faced Thor almost as many times as some of his arch-enemies have, with the pair throwing down more than the vast majority of heroes have seen one another. Of these fights, arguably the most epic comes in a fight that Thor, somewhat controversially, loses.

This fight takes place in the suitably named 'Hulk: Let the Battle Begin', and features a less in-control Bruce Banner explaining how disjointed his life had become since losing almost total control of the creature inside him.

In a particularly defining moment, Thor comes to stop the Hulk, and comes close to defeating him, before the Hulk takes his hammer from his hand and beats him unconscious with it.

Hulk wielding Mjolnir will definitely have to wait a while to feature in the MCU - as it happening immediately after Captain America is deemed worthy in Avengers: Endgame would totally demean the moment. But a proper fight between the two is sure to turn some heads, and would allow both the Hulk and Thor to get some extra badass points in.


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