11 Easter Eggs You Missed In The Detective Pikachu Trailer

10. The Parade Worker's Uniforms

Detective Pikachu Easter Egg
Warner Bros. Pictures

These workers who seem to be setting up something like the Macy's Parade with inflatable Pokémon are wearing interesting uniforms - on the right, those two in blue are wearing Squirtle-themed outfits. The blue caps and yellow bellies are a dead giveaway! Meanwhile, that one guy on the right is in a lighter blue outfit with a green hat.

This is a definite Bulbasaur outfit, going from the colours. That's two of the Kanto starter Pokémon represented, so it's a safe bet that we'll see a Charmander outfit in this scene too. You might even be able to say the people working on the inflatable Gengar are wearing Gastly or Haunter outfits, with that recognizable purple shade!


Ben Trangmar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.