Casting WWE Montreal Screwjob Movie

14. Bill Hader - Jim Cornette

Bill Hader Jim Cornette Copy

If we take Jim Cornette at his word, then he inadvertently suggested the concept of a Screwjob finish to Vince McMahon in the first place.

As Bret was willing to drop the strap to anyone but Michaels, Cornette pitched the idea of Ken Shamrock double-crossing Hart for the title, which reportedly gave Vince the lightbulb inspiration for what eventually became the Screwjob. Cornette was also spotted meeting with Vince and others the night before Survivor Series, seeming to confirm his involvement.

As for who could play him? It's not easy to replicate Cornette's eccentric motor-mouth shtick, but one suspects Bill Hader could do a fantastic job.

In addition to bearing a decent resemblance to Cornette, he's proven he can play both broadly over-the-top and intensely agitated. Plus, his recent Emmy win for Best Comedy Actor bolsters his status as a true prestige talent. Perfect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.