20 Problems Only Cinema Workers Will Understand

20. €œI Bet You Just Watch Films All Day

This is a favourite amongst people who hear where we work, but here€™s the truth: No. No, we don€™t. The same way that a blacksmith doesn't spend all day riding horses.

Believe it or not, we have sh*t to do - and there€™s a lot of it, because the managers are playing Candy Crush in the office.

This also goes for "I bet you see the films before anyone else!", and alright, we'll give half a point on this one, sometimes we do - although that depends heavily on whether we'd like to spend another two hours in the place where we spend most of our lives scrubbing kids' puke out of the carpet.

It's a tough call.

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KJ Lewis is 35 years old, was able to rear three small children into three slightly bigger children and has a relatively untested and unfounded passion for writing. You can find him at Twitter: @onefistintheair or Facebook: KJ Lewis