Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Who Did Jake Peralta Say It To?

How well do you really know Andy Samberg's Jake?

Brooklyn Nine Nine

The reason Brooklyn Nine-Nine became so popular was all down amazing set of writers and an even more amazing set of characters. This amusing detective squad became one big happy family over the last seven years. With hilarious quotes and childish pranks, fans are guaranteed a laugh from each episode.

Although the show is about a group of detectives solving crimes, most of the episodes are focused around the detective Jake Peralta. He has definitely become a fan favourite over the years.

Jake is known for his childish charm and laid-back personality, however he is also one of the best detectives in the precinct. Fans love him for his kind heart, hilarious jokes and one-liners.

With the makers of the beloved sitcom announcing its culmination in the upcoming ninth season, fans are going to miss each and every character on the show.

Today, we are going to take a trip down memory lane and see how well you know the precincts best detective. Can you remember all jokes Jake made?

Who did Jake Peralta say the following quotes to? Fear not, the correct answers will be shown at the end of the quiz.

1. "If Anything I See You As A Bother Figure, Because You're Always Bothering Me."


Brian Uthar hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.