Heel Or Face: Rating Every The Big Show Show Episode

7. The Big Punisher

Big Show Netflix

Show, looking for something to do now that he's stopped his career of continual face and heel turns, decides that it's time to start selling real estate. Cue a montage of clumsy jokes about a big man who destroys everything he touches when he goes to learn the business from his wife, Cassy.

"Everybody breaks something on their first day of work." Cassy says later in the episode.

"That's true. My first day of wrestling, I broke Macho Man's shin."

This joins a comment about wrestling a live bear as the jokes of the episode, and yet still somehow raise it higher than anything in the previous episode.

Meanwhile, our b-story sees Mandy unable to cope sharing a room with J.J. until Lola offers her the chance to move back into her old room and share it. Lola soon comes to regret the offer when Mandy is a nightmare to live with, and the two end up brawling in the school corridor. Show attempts to punish them but is a hapless TV dad, and the best he can do is threaten to take his socks off.

A sister contract is drawn up and somehow nobody gets put through the table.

Show Rating: Face


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.