WhatCulture Quizzes


Seinfeld Vs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Who Said It Quiz - Jerry Seinfeld Or Jake Peralta?

Only the biggest fans of Seinfeld and Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be able to work out who said…
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Joey Tribbiani Or Rachel Green Quiz

Let's see if you can answer every question correctly in this ultimate Rachel and Joey quiz!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Who Said It Quiz?

Only the biggest fans of The Office will score 100% on this progressively easier quotes quiz.
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Vs Brooklyn Nine-Nine Who Said It - George Costanza Or Charles Boyle?

Let's see if you can score top marks in this Charles Boyle and George Costanza quotes quiz!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Jim Halpert Quiz

Will you prove to be the ultimate expert when it comes to everything Jim Halpert? Let's find…
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Phoebe Buffay Quiz

Will you answer all 12 of these questions about Phoebe correct? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier Jerry Seinfeld Quiz

Will you manage to answer all 12 of these Jerry questions correctly? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Chandler, Ross Or Joey Say It?

Will you prove you know Joe, Chandler and Ross better than anyone else? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Jim Carrey Movie By Just One Image?

Can you tell "The Cable Guy" from "Yes Man"? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Monica Geller Quiz

Will you prove your knowledge of all things Monica and get top marks in this ultimate quiz?
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory: The Progressively Easier Leonard Hofstadter Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about physicist Leonard Hofstadter?
By Jen Gallie

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Easier Captain Raymond Holt Quiz

Only the biggest fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine will be able to answer all of these questions…
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Dwight Schrute Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about Assistant (to the) Regional Manager Dwight…
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Robin Williams Movie By Just One Image?

Will you be able to identify each of these 15 Robin Williams movies? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Joey Tribbiani Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about Joey Tribbiani? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory: The Progressively Easier Sheldon Cooper Quiz

Can you prove you know everything there is to know about Sheldon Lee Cooper? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Easier Jake Peralta Quiz

Will you be able to prove you are the ultimate fan of Jake Peralta? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Parks And Recreation: The Progressively Easier Ron Swanson Quiz

Will you be able to get every question correct in this ultimate Ron Swanson quiz? Let's find…
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Adam Sandler Movie By Just One Image?

Do you know "Happy Gilmore" from "Little Nicky"? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Michael Scott Quiz

Can you prove your knowledge about everything Michael Scott? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Chandler Or Rachel Say It?

Will you be able to get 100% on this ultimate Rachel and Chandler quotes quiz?
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Ben Stiller Movie By Just One Image?

Let's see if you can tell the difference between "Along Came Polly" and "The Heartbreak Kid"!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: Did Ross Or Chandler Say It?

Only the biggest fans of Friends will be able to identify who said each of these 12 quotes!
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld: The Progressively Easier George Quiz

Let’s see how much you know about the crazy world of Seinfeld's George Costanza!
By Jen Gallie

Friends Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Their Jobs?

Let's see if you can prove your knowledge on all the jobs the Friends gang did!
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Brad Pitt Movie By Just One Image?

Will you prove your knowledge when it comes to Brad Pitt movies?
By Jen Gallie

The Big Bang Theory Quiz: How Well Do You Remember Their Jobs?

Let's see if you remember everything there is to know about jobs of The Big Bang Theory…
By Jen Gallie

Seinfeld Quiz: Did Jerry Or George Say It?

Are you able to tell the difference between an observation of Jerry’s and a George rant?
By Jen Gallie

Friends: The Progressively Easier Rachel Quiz

Let's see how much you know about Friends' Ray-Ray Green?
By Jen Gallie

Film Quiz: Can You Name The Bill Murray Movie By Just One Image?

Are you the biggest "Ghostbusters" fan who can tell them all apart? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

10 Movies That Blew Great Concepts

Tenet fell so short of its incredible promise.
By WhatCulture

20 Awful Horror Movies With One Brilliant Kill

By WhatCulture Horror

Jack Quaid Wants To Play Boimler Again - Star Trek: Lower Decks EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW

Novocaine star Jack Quaid talks to Seán about leading a film for the first time, Lower Decks'…
By TrekCulture

Josef Fares Reveals His Biggest Inspiration #gaming #splitfiction #shorts

Josef Fares talks behind the scenes of Split Fiction in our new interview:…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 TV Shows That Recast Major Characters (For The Better)

Everything worked out for the best.
By WhatCulture

10 Video Game Where You Can Risk Ultimate Power (Or Lose Everything)

Are the odds in your favour?
By WhatCulture Gaming

The Exact Moment You Didn’t Realise Changed Doctor Who Forever

The trip of a lifetime hinged on ONE overlooked moment - right here. #doctorwho #rose #shorts
By WhoCulture

10 Movies You Weren't Supposed To Take Seriously

Believe it or not, these movies were most definitely made with a twinkle in their eyes.
By WhatCulture

10 Recent Horror Movies Which Broke The Fourth Wall To Scare You

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Times Star Trek Didn’t Think It Through

Some of these Star Trek moments were awesome on first glance, but when you stop to think about…
By TrekCulture

9 Actors Who Prepared For Roles In The Worst Possible Way

Poor preparation produces poor performances...potentially.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Were Saved By One Genius Tweak

These movies could've been doomed had the following small changes not been made!
By WhatCulture

9 Horror Movies That WASTED Their Villain

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Actors Who Appeared In Star Trek AND The Orville

There's nothing more fun in the world of Sci-Fi than a good crossover.…
By TrekCulture

Josef Fares Explains Why Split-Screen Gaming Went Away #shorts #gaming #splitfiction

Josef Fares talks behind the scenes of Split Fiction in our new interview:…
By WhatCulture Gaming

8 INTENSE Video Games That Kept You On The Edge Of Your Seat

What could be frightening about a relaxing adventure in the ocean?
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Exact Moments That Made You Rage Quit TV Shows

The exact moment The Simpsons turned bad has finally been located!
By WhatCulture

10 Upcoming Video Games That Are Getting Delayed

We hope we're wrong.
By WhatCulture Gaming

EVERY Doctor Who Mrs Flood Theory You Need To Know Right Now

Who is Mrs Flood?!
By WhoCulture

10 Movies Where An Actor Dies BEFORE Their Opening Credit

Those actors who didn't even have chance to be credited before the Grim Reaper came a-calling!
By WhatCulture

10 Horror Movie Mistakes You Never Noticed Before

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Ships We Need To See In Star Trek: Legacy

Go to http://www.squarespace.com/trekculture to get a free trial and 10% off your first…
By TrekCulture

Josef Fares Reveals His Favourite Co-Op Game #shorts #gaming #splitfiction

Josef Fares talks behind the scenes of Split Fiction in our new interview:…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Worst Ways TV Characters Were Written Out Of The Show

Chef got it ROUGH!
By WhatCulture

10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Love The Outdoors

By WhatCulture Horror

10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Join (And Be Better Off!)

From Cyberpunk to Starfield, the choice is yours.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Movie Characters Who Totally Deserved Better

Ana de Armas stole the show in No Time to Die.
By WhatCulture

10 Amazing Horror Movie Performances That Should've Won Oscars

By WhatCulture Horror

Star Trek: 10 Species That Can Survive The Vacuum Of Space

In the cold dark of the cosmos, there's life, Jim, but not as we know it.…
By TrekCulture

How Well Do YOU Know Gaming History? #gaming #quiz

Watch the full quiz NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wkcW_AV9js…
By WhatCulture Gaming