10 Biggest Rock Music Feuds Of The 21st Century So Far

Rock stars can be some of the biggest divas in all of music.

Oasis Split
Creation Records

Rock music is all about emotion.

Whether you're singing softly about a lost love or screaming your lungs out about how whack the system is, the genre has relied heavily on people expressing their true feelings ever since it began.

That might explain why so many of those who practice it are a little bit... volatile... shall we say?

Rock stars fall out with each other very easily. You only have to go back to the days of The Beatles to see that for yourselves.

Those guys fell out with each other, with their business managers, even with the entire Christian faith!

Fast forward to the 21st Century and the idea of rock 'n' roll musicians coming to blows is still as prevalent as ever. We've had some utterly wild musical quarrels since the new millennium started and we thought it was about time to examine some of the biggest.

Whether its bands falling out with other bands, artists falling out with larger corporations, or performers within the same group having a tiff, these ten stories all prove that music isn't the great unifier that some think it is.

10. The Killers And The Bravery

You've all heard of The Killers, right?

Brandon Flowers and his delightful bunch of Vegas heartthrobs are among the biggest bands in the world, having risen to stardom in the early 2000s with songs like Somebody Told Me, When You Were Young, and Mr. Brightside.

But what about The Bravery? You may only have heard of them through the lens of Mr. Flowers slagging them off.

The Bravery are a New York group who formed in 2003. They released three albums before originally splitting up in 2011, only to reunite in 2021.

Flowers went after the band following their breakthrough hit An Honest Mistake, which he said sounded way too similar to his own music. He claimed that were only signed to their label because of The Killers' success and was basically just a bit nasty with no real provocation.

He has since apologised for his harsh words, claiming that his idolisation of Oasis prompted him to talk smack about his rivals, but his outburst caused more than a bit of controversy at the time.

Also, it's easy to be humble when your band stands the test of time and the other one doesn't.

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Rock Music
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.