10 Biggest Rock Music Feuds Of The 21st Century So Far

9. Godsmack And Motley Crue

Godsmack might be best known for the song I Stand Alone, which was on the soundtrack to the movie The Scorpion King.

You know, that film that Dwayne Johnson was in before he was worth all the money in the world.

If you're a fan of 80s glam rockers Motley Crue, then you may also know Godsmack as that band that Nikki Sixx really doesn't like.

The two musical forces first clashed on Crue's 2009 tour, where Godsmack were one of the openers. Sixx reportedly butted heads with the band's lead singer Sully Erna, who then went on to write a song about him.

And what incredibly subtle name did Erna give to this record calling out one of the biggest names in music?

Cryin' Like a Bitch.

You can see why Nikki got so upset.

This beef was apparently still active in 2014, when a Godsmack publicist approached Sixx to ask if the band could appear on his radio show. The Crue member declined, only he used much less friendly language.

Careful what you say there, Nikki - these guys know The Rock and they will get him to beat you up.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.