10 Amazing Comics You Can Read Entirely Through Instagram

The best things in life are free, and so are these incredible comic strips!

By Jimmy Kavanagh /

It's a very strange time to be a comic book fan.


With all the madness going on in the world, new comics have halted distribution for the time being, sadly depriving comic book fans of their weekly fix. Although books are slowly but surely coming back into circulation, we have all had to look other places to get our sweet hit of graphic storytelling.

Thankfully, the internet has no shortage of amazing webcomics. And although they are spread far and wide across cyberspace, there is thankfully one website that happily houses a whole hoard of them: Instagram.

Unfortunately, Instagram's selection of short strips can't always fill the void left by the current lack of serialised storytelling. They are usually more akin to newspaper strips than anything else: short, one-off, funny little ditties, designed primarily to give you a chuckle as you scroll through your feed. While there's nothing wrong with that at all (God knows we could all use a hearty chuckle), sometimes we just crave more.

As fans of all things comics, no matter what form they take, I have gathered ten of my favourite webcomics that offer more than just a daily chuckle. Whether it's long-form storytelling, award-worthy character development, or uniquely beautiful artwork, these strips are more than worth your time. And they're all available in their entirety on Instagram right now!

What are you waiting for?

10. Swan Boy

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Branson Reese may be known as the beloved Dungeon Master of the world's funniest Dungeons & Dragons real-play podcast (if you haven't listened to Rude Tales of Magic yet, ignore the rest of this article and binge it now), but his comedic talents don't stop there. Reese is also an ingenious comic artist, whose bizarre and borderline experimental sense of humour is unparalleled.


If you don't count this strip about a tiny dinosaur whose job is to get pissed on by cavemen, Reese's masterpiece is undoubtedly Swan Boy. A character study of the world's most irritating character, Swan Boy follows the titular anthropomorphic swan through his everyday life. Spreading his specific and unique brand of bullsh*t everywhere he goes, Swan Boy seems to cause trouble and strife all around him by simply existing.

Honestly, just look at him. Even the mere sight of Swan Boy is annoying.

Worryingly, Reese has admitted that Swan Boy's personality is largely based on his own, although exaggerated to the extreme. This is perhaps why we can't help but fall in love with Swan Boy, despite the fact that he really shouldn't work as anything more than extremely silly comic relief. Reese obviously has a deep understanding of the character, creating a three-dimensional being out of a two-dimensional drawing of a bird-man.

Check out Swan Boy at @bransonofgod.
