WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game Villains Who Were Right All Along (And You Hated Them For It)

The villains who spill the bitter truth!
By Michael Fincher

10 Best Sci-Fi RPGs Of All Time

The best and brightest in Science Fiction gaming.
By John Tibbetts

10 Best Bank Heists In Gaming History

Video games do bank heist better than anyone.
By Brian Knowler

10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

The hidden gems everyone sleeps on!
By Michael Fincher

10 Video Game Cliffhangers That Went NOWHERE

Sometimes "to be continued" is just a lie.
By Michael John-Day

10 Video Game Villains You Can Secretly Side With (And IMMEDIATELY Regret)

The enemy of my friend is my... friend??
By Michael Fincher

8 Popular Video Game Mechanics That Suddenly Disappeared

Where the hell did these awesome mechanics go?
By Jack Pooley

10 Items In Video Games That Trolled You

The best weapon in the game... if you can keep hold of it.
By Jess McDonell

10 GENIUS Ways Video Games Fought Cheaters

These games got seriously smart about taking down cheating scum.
By Jack Pooley

8 Video Game Bosses That Kill You From Beyond The Grave

Don't just stand there!
By Jack Pooley

10 Video Game Unlocks Nobody Could Afford

Got a spare 30 grand??
By Andy Murray

10 Most Realistic PS5 Games

Gaming on PS5 doesn't get much more immersive than this.
By Jack Pooley

10 Video Game Side Quests That Impact The Main Story In A Major Way

They're not there just to fill up the time!
By Michael Fincher

10 Video Games Beaten In Minutes With INSANE Glitches

Beating Oblivion in 3 minutes? No problem!
By James Egan

8 Video Games That Are Fun Even If YOU SUCK

Who needs to be good at these games to enjoy them?
By Jack Pooley

10 Awesome Horror Games Set In One Location

Get me off this oil rig, NOW.
By Andy Murray

10 Alternate Video Game Endings That DRASTICALLY Change The Story

There's something seriously wrong with Yennefer.
By Iain Taylor

10 Obvious Video Game Traps (You Walked Into Anyway)

What, are you NOT going to push the button??
By Jack Pooley

10 Obscenely Evil Video Game Villain Plans

The video game villains that just had NO chill.
By John Tibbetts

10 Video Game Side Missions That Made You Feel Cheated

Your only reward is disappointment!
By Michael Fincher

10 Awesome Rewards From Killing NPCs

You were missing out if you DIDN'T kill these NPCs.
By Jack Pooley

10 Secretly Powerful Video Game NPCs

Never trust a CD Projekt NPC.
By Michael John-Day

10 Horror Plot Twists That BROKE You

No one saw these twists coming.
By Michael John-Day

8 Video Game Side Missions That BROKE YOU

These side missions didn't pull any punches.
By Jack Pooley

10 Video Game Companions So Powerful They Made YOU Feel Like The Sidekick

Next to these characters, you're the hero only in title.
By Michael Fincher

10 Cruel Tricks Video Games Played On Open World Players

Invisible quest timers SUCK.
By Jess McDonell

10 Video Game NPCs Who Sneakily Knew EVERYTHING

If you want to know their secrets, you'll have to read between the lines.
By Michael Fincher

10 Video Game Bosses Everyone Fought Wrong

Wait... THAT'S how you're meant to kill the boss?
By James Egan

10 Mysteries Video Games SHOULDN'T Have Answered

Worst. Masked villain reveal. Ever.
By Jack Pooley

10 More Video Game DLCs Better Than The Game

Those unicorn DLCs that outdid the game they spawned from.
By Jack Pooley

Wait... Is Marvel Rivals GOOD?!

Subscribe to the WhatCulture Gaming Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts!!…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game NPCs Nobody Wanted To Kill (But You HAD To)

There was no other way.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game Bosses You Felt Terrible For Ignoring

I know I *should*, but...
By WhatCulture Gaming

The Real Reason Microtransactions WON'T DIE

We're all to blame.
By WhatCulture Gaming

PS5 Pro Will Fix The Generation's Biggest Problem

Would you pay ANOTHER $400 to make a problem go away?…
By WhatCulture Gaming

8 Video Games That Are Fun Even If You Suck

Hit accelerate and GO.…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game Characters Who MASSIVELY Changed Before Release

Arthur Morgan's story would've been COMPLETELY different.
By WhatCulture Gaming

Concord SOMEHOW Got Even Worse

Sony's biggest blunder since Destruction Allstars??…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Insane Reasons That Video Games Were Missing Features

These games were lacking expected features for WILD reasons.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Final Bosses That Made You Give Up Entirely

You've seen enough of the game to call it quits, right?
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Games That Were Dead On Arrival

Concord has a monumental hill to climb.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Recent Video Games That Totally Divided Players

Which side are you on?
By WhatCulture Gaming

This Game Just Blew Us Away

Nobody Wants to Die is a BIG surprise.…
By WhatCulture Gaming

9 Video Game NPCs Everyone Wished They Could Kill

Just because they’re memorable doesn’t mean we don’t want to stick a hot poker in them.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Secret Video Game Transformations EVERYONE Missed

Rockstar always have the coolest secrets.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game Exploits For Getting Rich FAST

By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Games That Punished You For Buying Them

I mean, it WAS called "Don't Buy This".
By WhatCulture Gaming

THIS Won't Save Call Of Duty: Warzone

Subscribe to the WhatCulture Gaming Podcast anywhere you get your podcasts!!…
By WhatCulture Gaming

8 Video Game Side Missions That BROKE You

*Equip tissues*…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Deceptive Loot Items You Instantly Regretted Picking Up

Look, don't touch!
By WhatCulture Gaming

Concord Is The Breaking Point

With dire player numbers and a tone millions are sick of, are the public rejecting Concord?…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Game Villains You Didn't Want To Kill (But Had To)

Problematic faves.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 More Embarrassing Product Placements In Video Games

Mercedes-Benz Mario can't hurt you.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Ways Video Games Were Forced To Control Players

Get caught, face the consequences.
By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Unique Fast Travel Secrets You Totally Missed

Hands up if you knew this??
By WhatCulture Gaming

How Video Game Marketing Died (Without You Realising)

The art of the reveal is dead.…
By WhatCulture Gaming

10/10 Video Games The Public REJECTED

Critics said yes, the public said hell no.
By WhatCulture Gaming

Why Elden Ring Secretly Wants You To Win

By WhatCulture Gaming

10 Video Games That Fumbled AMAZING Premises

Use your brain!
By WhatCulture Gaming

Xbox Fans FURIOUS With Controversial Game Pass U-Turn

Cough up or miss out.…
By WhatCulture Gaming