WhatCulture Film

Deadpool & Wolverine: 23 Easter Eggs & References Explained

Breaking down the wildest Easter eggs from the biggest MCU movie in years.
By Jack Pooley
Star Wars

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

The incredible abilities, secrets, and facts about the Force you (probably) never knew.
By Gareth Morgan

10 Movies So Crazy They Shouldn't Exist

Bizarre and bonkers movies that have you questioning how they ever got made in the first place.
By Andrew Pollard

10 Movies You Must Watch 1000 Times To Spot This

The subtlest movie details you'll probably never find.
By Jack Pooley

8 Most Underrated James Bond Films

There is no other franchise with as many underappreciated instalments than James Bond...
By Robin Baxter
Star Wars

10 Huge Star Wars Moments That Happened In The Background

Star Wars is a busy place, so no wonder most fans missed this big moments.
By Jacob Simmons

10 Last-Minute Changes That Saved Horror Movies

Could you imagine Gizmo as the villain of Gremlins?
By James Egan

10 Surprisingly Good Movie Sequels NOBODY Saw Coming

These no-hope sequels turned out shockingly good.
By Jack Pooley

10 Upcoming Movies That Are Already Doomed

There's no hope for these movies.
By Jack Pooley

10 Horror Movie Scenes You Remember Totally Wrong

Wait, Dracula didn't have fangs??
By James Egan

5 Things You Need To Know About Universal Orlando's Dark Universe

Universal's brand new theme park Epic Universe will have an electiryuing, monster filled land!
By Jen Gallie

10 Terrible Horror Movies That Had Unbelievably Good Endings

These endings saved the movie.
By James Egan

10 Horror Movies That Got Scarier YEARS Later

These horror films only got more terrifying with age.
By Jack Pooley
Star Wars

Ranking The First 30 Minutes Of EVERY Star Wars Movie From Worst To Best

Which Star Wars movies nailed the opening half an hour, and which failed to... DO IT!
By Gareth Morgan

9 Movie Truths Actors Won't Reveal

These actors will never answer these burning questions.
By Jack Pooley

10 Terrible Threequels That Ruined A GREAT Trilogy

These movies whiffed an otherwise killer trilogy.
By Jack Pooley

10 Horror Movie Scenes That Totally Trolled Everyone

These horror movie scenes had fun at our expense.
By Jack Pooley

10 More Bizarre Ways Directors Tricked Audiences

A sneaky CGI trick was key to selling Tom Cruise hanging off the side of a plane.
By Jack Pooley
Star Wars

10 Star Wars Movie "Mistakes" That Were Totally Intentional

George Lucas knew what he was doing, believe it or not.
By Jack Pooley

10 More Unexpected Horror Movie Survivors

Even more horror movie characters who shockingly escaped the grave!
By Michael John-Day

10 Best 'I’m Dead And I Know It’ Moments In Monster Movies

Those monster movie characters who knew their goose was cooked.
By Andrew Pollard

10 Best Indie Vampire Movies You've Probably Never Seen

The best vampire movies you've never seen - The Transfiguration, Stake Land & more!
By James Hanton

10 Most Annoying Movie Plot Holes Ever

Annoying movie plot holes! Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Liar Liar & more.
By Amy Rapeer

10 Films Where Villains Are Introduced In Unique Ways

These movie villains made instant history.
By Jack Pooley

10 Misleading Movie Trailers That Totally Fooled You

From The Cable Guy to Sweeny Todd: these movies have committed the ultimate clickbait felony.
By Lily Elborn

10 Epic Moments In Sergio Leone Films

The king of the close-up has captivated audiences with numerous epic moments.
By Josh Thurstance

10 Greatest Baseball Films Of All Time

The greatest Baseball films ever brought to the big screen!
By Josh Thurstance

10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Nobody Dies

A sci-fi film with no death? Is that legal?
By Callum McAvoy

10 More Exact Moments We Knew Horror Movie Characters Were Doomed

Moments you know these characters' numbers were up...
By Paolo Carlos

10 Actors You Had No Idea Were In Movies

These actors were all hidden in plain sight in huge movies.
By Jack Pooley

10 Actors You Had No Idea Were In Movies

These actors were all hidden in plain sight in huge movies.
By WhatCulture

Why M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Trap’ Just Ignored Critics

Join Ewan and Andrew as they discuss M Night Shyamalan's latest thriller!
By WhatCulture

10 Smart Movies With Incredibly Dumb Twists

When clever movies do stupid things.
By WhatCulture

8 Scariest Opening Sci-Fi Movie Scenes Ever

Sci-fi and horror can often be interchangeable - and both have the capacity to scare.
By WhatCulture

Deadpool & Wolverine: Cameos, Easter Eggs & Ending Explained

Spoilers inbound!
By WhatCulture

Deadpool & Wolverine Review: Is The MCU Back?! (NO SPOILERS)

Fresh out the cinema, Gareth and Andrew bring you the low-down on Marvel's latest offering in…
By WhatCulture

9 Movie Roles That Seriously Traumatised Actors

From blindness to being pushed to the brink of sanity, Hollywood isn't as glamorous as it…
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Aren't Titled What You Think

Edge of Tomorrow isn't what you think.
By WhatCulture

12 Most INTENSE Movie Scenes Ever

Shocking, terrifying...and awesome.
By WhatCulture

10 Secret Subplots You Didn’t Know Were Cut From Popular Movies

Whether they should have been left in or not, these subplots would have changed everything...
By WhatCulture

10 More Movie Mistakes That Became Canon

When mistakes just...
By WhatCulture

10 Movie Characters Who Had To Die To Win

Not everyone can make it to the credits if they want to fulfil their destiny (sorry, Neo)...
By WhatCulture

8 Supporting Actors Who Were Paid SIGNIFICANTLY More Than The Main Star

Stand still for a minute and earn a million dollars?
By WhatCulture

10 Movie Mysteries That Should NEVER Have Been Answered

Some things are best left to the imagination...
By WhatCulture

10 Movies Weirdly Changed (Nobody Knows Why)

When films gets changed for no clear reason.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Get Basic Facts Wrong

Some sci-fis just revel in melting your mind...
By WhatCulture

10 Biggest WTF Moments From 2024 Movies (So Far)

These 2024 movie scenes will stick with you for a long time.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Perfected Movie Performances YEARS Before The Movie

These actors were rearing to go when the cameras finally rolled.
By WhatCulture

10 Announced Movie Sequels Happening WAY Too Late

These sequels should've happened YEARS ago.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Tried To Play Against Type (And Failed)

Keanu as a serial killer?
By WhatCulture

10 Movie Sequels With The Most Shocking Drops In Quality

Those sequels that fell off a cliff compared to their predecessors.
By WhatCulture

10 Actors Who Tried To Get Co-Stars Fired

Don't like your co-star?
By WhatCulture

10 TV Lines Actors Refused To Say

These actors drew the line at speaking these lines.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies That Eerily Predicted Things In Real Life

These movies got future real-life events remarkably spot-on.
By WhatCulture

10 Movie Deaths You Knew Were Coming (That Still Broke You)

Some doomed protagonists, some real heroic self-sacrifices, and...
By WhatCulture

Why Longlegs Just SHOCKED Hollywood

Nicolas Cage's latest movie, Longlegs just released, and it's taking Hollywood by storm.
By WhatCulture

10 Times Actors Were PISSED OFF At Film Premieres

Even the cast didn't know who Keyser Soze was.
By WhatCulture

10 Movies Way Freakier Than You Thought

The good, the bad, and the really, really ugly.
By WhatCulture

9 Great Movies That Inexplicably Flopped At The Box Office

Money isn't everything...
By WhatCulture

10 Dumbest Characters In Disaster Movies

The worst of the worst.
By WhatCulture