10 Best Things Batman Has Ever Punched

He's the hero Gotham deserves, and the one who punches just about anything.

By Joel Harley /

In a seventy-five year long career as Gotham City's resident crime fighter (happy anniversary, Bats!) it comes as no surprise at all that the Batman is quite the premier pugilist. Trained in just about every style of fighting known to man (by the League of Assassins, no less, depending upon which origins tale you care to read) there are very few foes Batman couldn't beat, should he set his mind to it.


From street level crooks to super-villains, madmen and even fellow heroes, the Dark Knight's calling has brought him head-to-head with many a formidable foe. While the detective's characteristic wits, wiles and wonderful gadgetry have saved the day on many an occasion, sometimes you just can't beat a swift punch to the head. Or - in the case of the poor unfortunate who loses his lunch during an unfortunate encounter (see Batman #711 for details) - a solid 'thuk' to the guts...

Once antagonised, no body part, animal nor resident of the DC Universe (and beyond) is safe from Batman's rage. Heck, even the Boy Wonder himself has come in for his fair share of beatings, being repeatedly slapped around one of the Internet's most popular memes.


Here we celebrate Batman's greatest hits (geddit>) with a run through of just a few of the Bat's best punches, blow-by-blow.