10 Bizarre Batman Comics Too Weird To Be Real

Batman has gotten up to a whole lot of crazy stuff in the DC universe.

By Allen Corbitt /

Batman is ludicrously famous. We have had multiple shows and movies based on the man. Now a common theme between these shows is that he is a very dark and brooding crimefighter. Except for the highly under-appreciated Brave and the Bold TV show (I love this show and will mention it many times in this article).


Which makes it all the more perplexing that there have been many issues and storylines that are just downright bizarre, including such issues like the time he wore a rainbow suit to protect Robin's identity (I'm still not even sure how that one makes sense).

Or we can mention the time that he was a priest. Yes, you did actually read that right, there was a time that Bruce Wayne was a servant of God, with a capital G. And those aren't even the most bizarre storylines involving the Dark Knight. In fact there are so many crazy storylines that this list could have over thirty entries. But for now let's stick to just 10.

Here are 10 Bizarre Batman Comics Too Weird To Be Real.

10. Suicidal Sex Worms

There is no better way to start a list than with suicidal sex worms from space. Now the whole issue has so many weird moments in it. But Batman and Superman speaking about their feelings in the Fortress of Solitude just doesn't have the same ring to it as suicidal space worms.


The issue starts with Superman inviting Batman to a superhero sleepover in the Fortress of Solitude to talk about their feelings and just have an amazing bromance which I swear is the whole point of the Worlds Finest series. Before they are very rudely interrupted by outer space worms. Now, why were they there? Cause apparently they were attracted by the raw emotion between the two heroes. Which they need to mate...

So Batman and Superman casually watch the worms have an orgy. Unfortunately, the worms would have to feed on the people of earth's emotions in order to survive. But seeing the best bromance of all time they decide not to and let themselves pass away. Batman and Superman shed a single tear for the fallen aliens.

Thus ends the tale of the sex worms that killed themselves.
