10 Least Practical Super Villain Designs

Some Villains Dress to Kill, Some Just Dress Stupid.

By Anne West /

Brightly colored extravagant costumes are a common part of superhero comics, and villains in particular are given a lot of room to play around when it comes to their look.


A suit made of question marks? Yes, very on-brand for the Riddler. Tights and a leotard? Of course, that's a classic look that never goes out of style. Wandering around fully naked? You do you movie Mystique, who needs clothing when you have awesome shape-shifting powers.

Despite all the leeway given on what constitutes "practical" for a super villain's design, it's probably not surprising that there are still a lot of looks that flat out fail. B-list villains are particularly guilty of trying to find a brand for themselves and losing sight of the bigger picture.

Sometimes their costumes don't make sense for their backstory. Sometimes their outfits are fitting for their character, but give no protection in a battle. Worst of all though, is when their design becomes a hindrance, and starts getting in the way of their ability to commit crimes.

So, sit back and enjoy these ten ridiculous villain designs that are in no way practical.

10. The Designer

The Designer's costume has a lot going on. He's wears pirate style boots, camo pants, a cape that is so long it pools around his feet as if trying to trip him, a button-up shirt that is also somehow a loincloth, a tie, a shizton of bling, and a majestic fluffy decorative fringe that rises up a foot higher than his head. To finish off the look, he has a sword and a full face swaddle with no eye-holes and a decorative D.


Now, it's not uncommon for super villains to dress a bit over the top, but normally it's deeply rooted in their own lore. When the Riddler wears question marks on his clothing it's because he's committed. The Designer's name isn't some sort of play on being an avant-garde fashion designer, it's because he's so good at designing crimes.

The Designer's backstory, as of Batman #90, gives little hint to his bizarre clothing choices.

When he was young, the not-yet-named Designer had an adversary in the form of a brilliant detective who would thwart his crimes at every turn. He became obsessed with defeating the detective to the point of madness. He spent a year planning the perfect crime and when he finally left his room he took up the name The Designer and easily defeated the detective.

Extravagant, but lacking utility, his clothing choice is not particularly conducive to planning crimes, or for working as a crime consultant to other criminals.
