10 More Most Inappropriate DC Comics Storylines Ever

You thought just one list could cover all the times DC Comics crossed the line?

By Scott Banner /

The world of comic books is far more complex than it may seem to those on the outside to begin with. In terms of style, themes, stories, characters, and everything that makes every comic book unique, there is almost as much variety in the industry as in television or movies.


Whether in books aimed more towards the younger audiences who just want to see superheroes kick the ass of every villain they come up against, or heavier arcs that take a real look at difficult issues, and everything in between, there have always been aspects that have crossed a certain line.

From child murder to drug abuse, generic stereotyping, and sexual assault, the history of DC Comics is littered with the kind of images and narratives that no one could ever actually enjoy.

After already delving into this subject once before, it turns out that there are far too many inappropriate stories within the pages of DC to leave at just one article. Even after going around the first time, there is still more than enough to genuinely shock you. Why on Earth were these stories ever deemed suitable for publication?

10. Catwoman's Prostitute Origin

Any comic book fan can sit and talk about Batman’s rogues gallery for days on end. It is easily the greatest and most extensive in DC’s history, and the only real rival worthy of debate from Marvel's corner would be Spider-Man’s.


One of the greatest to ever face the Dark Knight is Catwoman, and if you need proof look no further than Zoë Kravitz’s portrayal of Selina Kyle in 2022’s The Batman. Ironically however, Year One, one of the several stories that helped inspire the movie, reduced the character to far less than ever deserved.

Her origin story in Frank Miller’s take on the younger side of Batman was that she was a dominatrix prostitute who ultimately turned to a life of crime. Aside from the fact that it was completely unnecessary to reduce Selina in this way, it arguably said more about Miller himself.

A consistent criticism of the writer’s work is that his female characters are rarely more than over-sexualised under-developed objects. Case and point, taking a great character like Selina Kyle and pushing her into the sex industry for absolutely no reason.
