10 Most Heroic Things Doctor Doom Has Ever Done

Marvel's and the Fantastic Four's greatest villain has often been the Earth's only hope.

By John Tibbetts /

In the Marvel universe, few villains stand as tall as the one and only Victor Von Doom. The lord ruler of Latveria, the arch enemy of Reed Richards, and one of the most all around dangerous men to ever walk the world crafted by the house of ideas.


But what makes him such an enduring figure is how much he flip flops between doing the right thing and wrong thing. Oh sure, his motivation is always the same - secure more power for himself personally. But nevertheless, he's still managed to help a lot of people whether he intended to or not.

From taking down big baddies to going out of his way to save people, protect them from outside threats, or just generally make their lives less sucky, the good doctor Doom has had many moments where you legitimately wonder if the world might actually be better off under his rule.

These moments throughout Marvel history made you legitimately start to root for a guy literally named Doctor Freaking Doom. Amazing stuff.

10. Fought His Future Self - Iron Man #250

People think Iron Man is all about business rivals trying to take down Tony Stark through giant robots or something, but back in the silver age he was just as freaking weird as the rest of them. Case in point, that time he and Doctor Doom got sent to future Camelot by Merlin to fight an even more evil version of Doom from the future.


Victor Von Doom is a pretty evil guy - just ask Mark Waid whenever you've got four and a half hours to spare, but he still has a code of honor, as well as a huge ego. So when he sees this future version of himself being a more evil and more successful Doom than him, oh you'd better believe ol' Vicky refuses to stand for it.

Instead of Iron Man saving the day, it's Doctor Doom, who strikes down and kills his future self, choosing to create god knows how many time paradoxes instead of tolerate a future version of himself outdoing him.

Which is definitely egomaniacal, but in his defense, that future version of him WAS a huge dick, so taking him out should definitely count for something.
