10 Most Inappropriate Spider-Man Storylines

With great responsibility comes repressed sexuality.

By Zoë Miskelly /

It's no secret that Spider-Man storylines are more often than not crammed full of weird and wild moments. With clones, twins, secret pregnancies and arduous affairs found in some of the more boring Spider-Man issues, there is well and truly no limit for just how strange a comic starring our favourite web-slinger is allowed to get - which has resulted in some of the hero's best comics, some of his worst comics, and all of his most hilarious.


In many ways, this is down to Peter Parker's everyman persona, as he's so relatable that you can place him in just about any situation and still have fans remain engaged (even if they're only interested at how much weirder Parker's life can become).

And while the boundaries are occasionally crossed - for example, Spider-Man birthing himself crosses lines that humanity hasn't even invented yet - it's surprising just how often these weird moments seem almost normal because of the constant roller coaster ride that is Peter's life.

Hate them or love them, Spider-Man will always have more than his fair share of strange and inappropriate moments - and it's hard not to cherish him that little bit extra for it.

10. Peter Gets His Eye Ripped Out And Eaten - Spider-Man: The Other

If you listed out every expectation that fans had when going into Spider-Man: The Other, the idea of Peter Parker having his eye ripped violently from its socket and then eaten by the person who was fighting him was likely pretty damn low down on the list.


And for good reason, too. While gore isn't exactly forbidden in comics, Spider-Man generally veers away from particularly gross moments in the main continuity, which makes it more than slightly surreal that it happens in the first place.

Also, crucially, the timing of this moment really takes away from the life-threatening fight that Morlun and Spider-Man are locked in, as the minute it happens your attention goes from who will win to how gross it is that Morlun just ate the web-slinger's still warm retina.

Hilariously, while this kind of gross moment would be incredibly well-remembered among fans for any other hero, the amount of scrapes that Spider-Man gets into means that this eye-eating extravaganza has left many unaware it ever happened.
