10 Most Powerful Green Lanterns

All of DC's Lanterns are pretty powerful, but a select few are stronger than the rest...

By John Tibbetts /

The DC universe is a big place - stretching far beyond the confines of Earth - and one of the main ways readers have been introduced to that wider universe is through the Green Lantern Corps.


The Corps are essentially space cops, who patrol each sector searching for anything that needs their intervention. And when every single member of the Corps is given a ring that can make literally anything they can imagine, limited only by their willpower, them intervening usually means that whatever was causing trouble swiftly stops.

The power rings are one of the most versatile power systems in the DC universe, and thus there is a hierarchy when it comes to who is the most powerful. This can means any number of things, from who uses the ring most creatively, to who has the best combat training outside of the ring, to who just has the most overwhelming power with it.

These ten Green Lanterns have risen above the ranks multiple times to etch their names into the stars, conjuring terrifying constructs, accomplishing mesmerising feats, and even harnessing the power of multiple Corps into one...

10. Jessica Cruz

If this list were about the best Green Lantern characters, Jessica would definitely not be at the bottom, but that's a story for another day.


Jessica Cruz, after watching all of her friends die horribly at the hands of the mob when they accidentally stumble upon them disposing of a body, is stricken with intense anxiety that leaves her unable to leave the house most days. But when she proved herself against the fear feeding power of the Ring of Volthoom, the Green Lantern Corps chose her to take up a Green Lantern power ring in acknowledgement of her ability to conquer the fear that had dominated her life.

Jessica may be relatively new to being a Green Lantern, but she's tackled some heavy stuff in that time, even being on several Justice League teams very early on in her career. And even without the Justice League, her first real outing as a Green Lantern was repelling an invasion by the Red Lanterns, even going head to head with Atrocitus.

Jessica's real strength, though, is how creative she is with her power ring, able to take full advantage of the ring's construct ability practically off the bat. While her still lingering anxiety may make her her own worst enemy, she's shown time and again that underestimating her is a bad idea.
