10 Stupid Arguments About Superman That Don't Make Sense

What do you mean, the pants look silly?

By Tom Baker /

In the DC Universe, the only people who hate Superman are the villains he puts away. And seriously, who would want to share an opinion with Lex Luthor and Braniac (any of them)? Meanwhile, the rest of the fictional Earth's population adore the Kryptonian hero who has made their lives uniformly better, with all that freeze breath nonsense meaning he can deal with all the pesky alien and/or robot threats that the regular police force had presumably struggled to contain. In our universe, Superman has a similarly widespread popularity. He's a culture icon unlike any other, instantly recognisable from his power set, costume, logo, or even hair cut - movies, TV shows, games and, of course, the original comic books have swarmed the world. You're unlikely to have come across someone who hasn't heard of Superman. And you're just as unlikely to come across somebody who doesn't have an opinion on the guy. Clark Kent, Kal-El, whatever you want to call him - he's been around for a good long while, and people have formed some thoughts about him; notions concerning his place in culture, in the DC Universe, and in comics as a whole. People who are perhaps less happy to see him than the population of Metropolis usually are. The ones who are a little more like Luthor. They ask questions like: If he was just there to kick off the superhero revolution, who needs him now? Plus he's too powerful, that makes him boring. And if he really is so powerful, why isn't he doing stuff like stopping wars, famine, disease? All of those have an answer, even if they seem like watertight points-of-view at first blush. Here are ten stupid arguments about Superman that don't make sense.
