10 Superpowers You Never Knew Batman Once Had

The Caped Crusader may be just a man, but he's also unleashed some epic superpowers!

By Josh Wilding /

Batman is up there with Superman and Spider-Man as being one of the most iconic superheroes on the planet. What differentiates the Caped Crusader from them, however (and most other comic book characters) is the fact he's just a man in a suit...with some fancy gadgets!


The World's Greatest Detective, a skilled fighter, and a master strategist, Batman doesn't really need superpowers, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had some over the years.

In fact, Gotham City's Dark Knight has actually received quite a few different abilities, most of which have been short-lived, but undeniably memorable. In some cases, though, they've been hilariously weird and obscure.

When you think of Batman, you probably don't picture any of the versions you'll find here. While you might know about Bruce Wayne donning a Kryptonite-powered suit to battle Superman, you won't have ever imagined what sort of high jinks he's got up to while superpowered.

Batman is one of those characters whose adventures have alternated between being dark and camp, and the addition of the crazy abilities listed here ended up falling into both categories. However, regardless of how silly or serious they might have been, they're all bound to blow your mind...

10. The Power Of The Green Lantern (And Sinestro) Corps

As was established in the introduction, Batman is a pretty unique superhero, and both his willpower and strong belief in justice make him stand out from many of his fellow members of the Justice League.


Of course, the Dark Knight also instils fear in his foes, and it's these qualities which have led to him joining the ranks of both the Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps.

Those warring, ring wielding groups couldn't be more different, as Batman's heroic nature is what led to him joining the Green Lantern Corps. However, his darker nature is what's made him an equally good fit for the Sinestro Corps, and it didn't take long for him to embrace the ability to use that ring to terrify Gotham City's greatest criminals.

Like most superheroes, Batman once died, and that led to him being recruited into the undead Black Lanterns, something which resulted in one of the most terrifying, unhinged versions of Bruce Wayne we've ever seen in the DC Universe.
