10 Things You Didn't Know About Nick Fury

Little-known facts about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s head honcho.

By K.J. Stewart /

Although he is far from being obscure, Nick Fury hasn't been one Marvel's most well-known characters over the course of the company's history. However, ever since Samuel L. Jackson took on the role in the hugely popular Marvel Cinematic Universe, the character has become more familiar and liked in the mainstream community and more people have taken an interest in him. Fury is a World War II veteran who was the leader of the group known as the Howling Commandos in the global conflict. He went on to become a secret agent and, ultimately, became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. - which is how he has been portrayed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how most people know him. In the comic books, Fury is one of the greatest strategic minds in the world, a born leader, a master of espionage and an all-round interesting character. Having been subjected to the Infinity Formula during World War II, his ageing process halted - or at least slowed down considerably - and he retained an appearance reminiscent of a man far younger than his actual years. He met the likes of Captain America and Wolverine during World War II and went on to mingle with many other key Marvel characters - such as Thor, Hulk and Iron Man - as he developed an association with the Avengers and various other superheroes and superhero teams whilst a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. There is quite a lot, however, that most people don't know about the character - and that's what this article is going to be about. Here are ten things you didn't know about Nick Fury...