10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Avengers

Think you know the Avengers? Think again.

By Neil Gray /

Thanks to the MCU, and the exceptional work of Kevin Feige, everyone knows who the Avengers are. They're Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, the greatest ensemble since the Beatles, or One Direction (depending on your musical preference).


This is how it has always been. Right?

Well, just like the theory that the Hulk was green was that that color was cheaper than grey (it wasn't, it was to do with how the printing process worked), it's time to put a pin in another bubble of lies and burst it good and proper.

That line-up, the one that has become loved worldwide due to a series of incredible movies (exemplified by this summer's Avengers: Endgame), wasn't the first line up. Or the second. Or even the third. And that's just one of a litany of myths and half-truths that have managed to obscure the truth surrounding Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

From the first Avenger to Nick Fury's involvement, and all points in-between, the Avenger's past is murkier than even Wolverine's. Hopefully, with the grace of Thor, the authority of Captain America and the know-how of Tony Stark, we can correct quite a few.

10. Captain America Was The First Avenger

Everybody knows that Captain America was the first Avenger, right? After all, it's in the title of his movie and he has been leading the team for years now, so it must be true.


...Except it isn't.

The original line up of Earth's Mightiest Heroes didn't even feature Steve Rogers, who was still frozen in ice, and who would only become de-popsicled in issue #4. Instead, the line-up consisted of Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, and Wasp who found themselves battling the Hulk, thanks to some sorcery, courtesy of Loki.

He reasoned that Bruce Banner's alter-ego would be the perfect weapon with which to defeat these troublesome heroes, but as with all the Trickster God's plans it backfired spectacularly, resulting in his defeat, as he was trapped inside a lead-lined tank. Inadvertently, his scheme formed the first Avengers.

Though Cap would eventually take up a position within the team, the title of 'First Avenger' would go to Janet Van Dyne, A.K.A Wasp. She would also be the one who would name this new supergroup of capes as well, meaning that even though he is now synonymous with them, Cap wasn't the first.
