10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Batman

First of all, he is not meant to have visible nipples.

By Tom Baker /

So you think you know Batman, huh? Yeah, you don't know Jack. First of all, you think his name is Jack. It's Bruce Wayne, dummy, that's how come he has so much money and why all the gadgets he gets looks suspiciously similar to the products produced by Wayne Enterprises. Jeez. The people we have to deal with. He's a cultural icon who celebrated his 75th anniversary of dominating comic books, TV and films alike, a character so recognisable that even his silhouetted profile is iconic. Just seeing Ben Affleck looking sad whilst wearing a couple of pointy ears is enough to send fanboys into ecstatic rapture. People tend to think they've got a pretty good handle on the Caped Crusader. Joe Public knows all the basics of the character: the dead parents, the costume, the worryingly young sidekick, the secret identity, the car, the cave, the enemies. Your more seasoned Batmanologist will have seen all of the Christopher Nolan films, and possibly even some of the earlier big screen incarnations, maybe finding the time to dip into the comic book source material from time to time. Whichever level you're at, we're here to tell you - yeah, you're wrong. You may be under the impression that you've got Batman pegged, that you know the Dark Knight like the back of your hand. You sit on a throne of lies, friends, although to be fair, it's hardly your fault. Retcons, inconsistent characterisation and the nature of hundreds of people telling stories about the same guy has lead to a lot of lapses in the public perception of Bruce Wayne, so it's a good thing we're here to address the ten things everyone always gets wrong about Batman.