10 Times Superman Has "Died"
Choose your poison: magic...Kryptonite...erm, poison...
can be taken down. But did you know that with a genetically engineered alien monster, a big old sword, or simply the light of our yellow son it's possible to kill the Man Of Steel, too? Here are ten such ways Superman has died.
Superman is so boring, they whine. He's too powerful! He can never die or even get hurt! How can you tell an interesting story about him? Well comic nerd straw man, there's a lot of ways to counter that argument. For one thing, all protagonists are protected by a magical set of plot armour that keeps them from dying. Batman's just a human being, but he's just as invincible and Supes. DC are never gonna kill him...at least, no permanently. For another, Superman totally can be killed. In fact, he has been. Numerous times. Whilst the Man Of Steel is widely believed to be near-invulnerable in fact, he's very close to being god-like in his power the guy has his weaknesses. Mainly His Girl Friday reporters and fellow superheroes, but also Kryptonite (in all its shades) and magic can mess with him. Superman's been killed in countless different manners over the years, from the goofy Silver Age imaginary stories that have him resurrected by the end of the issue and the grimdark nineties comics where he stayed six feet under a little longer. It's not always a green rock or an incantation that does it, either. Already it's been proven that Batman, who prepares for everything, actually