10 Times The Avengers Ruined Peter Parker’s Life
Friends don't almost eat friends.

When you take into account that Peter Parker idolises figures like Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man more than the most passionate of fanboys, it seems needlessly harsh that he so often has his life completely sabotaged by them - often in ways that are entirely on purpose.
Which isn't to suggest that the team of superheroes is always actively trying to ruin Parker's life. With Spider-Man being a character that is at the forefront of so many storylines and plot twists, he often gets stuck in the thick of it - and the Avengers, who are generally the people trying to stop any sort of elaborate shenanigans that are afoot, are left trying to sort the situation as quick as possible. More often than not, this leaves them awkwardly tangled up in both Spider-Man's superhero career, and his private life, leading to all sorts of genuinely awful scenarios.
Whether it's trying to beat him up, trying to kill him, or just bullying him about being a nerd, the Avengers spend an awful lot of time ruining Peter's life - but at least they're generally not trying to eat him.
10. Picking On Him For Having Dreams - Avenging Spider-Man #5

Compared to getting him to fight the Hulk, harassing him to become an Avenger, or even almost eating him that one time, the Avengers putting Peter down isn't that big a deal. But, at the same time, it does seem weird that Earth's Mightiest Heroes spend so much time dunking on Spider-Man for the most innocuous things in the world - especially when they're a pretty eccentric bunch themselves.
A prime example of this can be found in Avenging Spider-Man #5, where Spider-Man discovers that Captain America used to love drawing, and tries to encourage him to get back into it. After a long series of back and forths, the good Captain eventually reveals the reason he left the hobby in the dust - namely, because he considers it something the dorky, 'weak' younger version of him used to do.
Naturally, this upsets Parker, who still perceives himself to be the kind of person that Steve berates in his speech. The whole thing is enough that Parker almost gives up using his first-ever chemistry set, as he considers it the kind of thing that the Avenger was just mocking.
Though Cap eventually realises the error of his ways and takes back his words, it's made especially clear here that the Avengers often forget just how much Spider-Man idolises them and their opinions, and just how often they belittle their impressionable teammate, instead of helping him be the best he can be.