10 Untouchable Comics Heroes (Who Shockingly Died)

They wouldn't dare kill off your favorite character...right?

By John Tibbetts /

Death is one of the most common things in the comics industry. Superheroes die so often it borders on the ludicrous. And yet there are still some heroes who have never actually died, like Daredevil. Nothing makes them invincible or immune to it, it just hasn't occurred to their writers that they should die.


But then it DOES happen to those characters, and as much as we roll our eyes at it most of the time, it hits hard when it happens to those that we were so utterly convinced were untouchable.

Whether it's because their powers made them seemingly unkillable, or they just went so many decades without any villain managing to land that killing blow, these ten superheroes seemed utterly invincible, only for their world to laugh in their faces and humble them by way of stabbing them in the face multiple times.

Some of these are excellent examples that came in beloved comics, and some are from stories we'd rather forget. Either way, they killed off beloved characters that fans were sure were immune to comics' famous kiss of death.

10. Spider-Man - Ultimate Spider-Man #117

While normal Spider-Man has died more times than anyone can count, the Ultimate universe ran on the rule that death was a bit more permanent, and as such not something you should just throw at a character willy nilly - and especially not for a character like Spider-Man.


After 117 issues of the web-slinger kicking ass and trading quips, the day of his death finally came at the hands of a mutated Green Goblin. After breaking out of S.H.I.E.L.D and taking the rest of Spidey's rogues gallery along with him, Osborn sets out on a murder spree to take down Peter once and for all. And with the heroes doing what they usually do in the Ultimate universe (that is to say, being dicks and fighting each other for the billionth freaking time) Spidey has to face all of his worst enemies all alone.

And as you can imagine, it does not go well for him. Though he's able to bring down Osborn once and for all, he ends up succumbing to his injuries and dying. It was a legitimately sad ending because we knew for a fact that this was the end for him, made even more clear by the introduction of Miles Morales.
